An endless ongoing series of warfare is an ongoing struggle between two primary opposing factions known as the Alliance and the Horde. Two factions encumbered in an ongoing state of conflict that seems unrelenting. A continual state of warcraft yields to an unrelenting struggle for for the dominance of contested territories throughout the world of Azeroth.

On the western continent known as Kalimdor the Alliance had two major racial populated capital cities. Darnassus, is a city dominated by a race of night elves, presided over by the high priestess, Tyrande Whisperwind and the Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage. The city resides atop the massive boughs of the second World Tree. In tune with the energy and the mobility of the land the night elves are druid in nature. The Exodar, city filled with a new race from the cosmos known as the Draenei, lead by Prophet Velen. The city is formerly a dimensional ship satellite structure of the dimensional fortress known as Tempest Keep, which crashed landed off island chain off the coast of Darksore. The Draenei people brought energy and powers of a new variety not encountered before on Azeroth.
On the same continent the Horde established a new city. Orgrimmar, the primary capital city of the Horde dominated by a new generation of orcs, where the Warchief Thrall resided with his governance over the Horde faction. The orcs are a proud race driven by a code of honor in clanmanship and warfare. Carved in an old riverbed of stone, a windy valley of passages provided natural shelter from external forces. The city provided a hub environment of all races of the Horde to be heard. Thunder Bluff, the city of a powerful race called Tauren, lead the ancient Chief of the Bloodhoof clan Cairne Bloodhoof. Thrall helped the Taurens secure the territory from the invading centaurs. The tauren lived on spires of mesas in a green mountain surrounded valley with high rise pulley based elevators.
On the eastern continent known as The Eastern Kingdoms, the Alliance also had two capital cities. Ironforge, a city that belongs to the Dwarven race, the ancestral home of the Bronzebeard dwarves lead by the King Magni Bronzebeard. The dwarves were highly developed in mining and metallurgy. Stormwind the primary capital city of the Alliance belonged to a race of humans, lead by the King of the Alliance Varian Wrynn. The humans built their establishments and fortresses of wood and stone. The city served as a hub location for all Alliance races. Remained a huge part of Alliance and Horde motivations.
Also on the same continent the Horde has two primary capital cities. Silvermoon, a race of blood elves, is preceded by Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron. Parts of the city were rebuilt after Arthas the Prince of Lordaeron, another human captial city of the time, pursued his corrupted conquest to resurrect Kel'Thuzad. The city was constructed out of white stone and living plants. The Undercity, filled with a race of resurrected humans known as the Undead, lead by Lady WIndrunner Sylvanas the queen of the undead. The undead were outcasted by the human race due to their extreme corruption from the plague Arthas had unleashed on them. Lady Sylvanas who suffered most from Artha’s wrath became the leader. The undead took home in the remains of the fallen Kingdom of Lordaeron in the sewers and underground.
The Beginning
33 (Year 625 by the King's Calendar – Year 2007 by the Champions Timeline)
The Black Temple (patch 2.1)

During the late years of the burning Burning Crusade, devoted members of the Horde and Alliance factions were encumbered in the ongoing race to victory. A new class of demon power was emerging, one that seeked control of the demonic fel that originally corrupted these outlands. With the Demon Lord Illidan at the helm, races from both continents Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms emerged to contest this authority. The Dark Portal surrounded by a land of hellfire served as not only a gateway but also a distraction to ongoing conflicts in Azeroth. Azeroth consisted of a series of contested territories that divided major lands between Alliance and Horde cities.
A sense of ongoing warcraft would generate skirmishes and large scale battles for years to come. A multitude of responsibilities required subsets of these factions to cooperate when needed. The Outlands proved to be a complicated venture. In the wars of Orcs versus Humans, the Orcs hard originally traveled through the twisting nether through the Dark Portals. Situations had turned which required our involvement inside on the continent itself. While most protectors of the realm were busy trying to prevent the demon lord from attaining control over the dominion of Outland, an Orc by the name of Gug sought a different course of action.
33 (Year 625 by the King's Calendar – Year 2008 by the Champions Timeline)
Embodied by unwavering determination a lone orc looked to change the odds of ongoing contestations of power between the Alliance and Horde factions. Looking towards other pressing matters plaguing the lands, the orc decided an initial focus on Alliance conquest for land was more important. As a result the orc went to consult directly with the Horde leader known as Thrall the Warchief of the Horde. His motive was to gain permission and strategic insight to Alliance extremists. n a specialized strike force to defeat encroaching Alliance forces. The weariness to prevent undermining more important Horde motives, it was determined this force would operate with discrete intentions. It was at this time the guild Horde Strike Force lead by this orc officially known as Strike Lord Gug.
The Creation of a Strike Force
The Gods of Zul’Aman (patch 2.3)

Horde Strike Force maintained a militaristic leadership with proper ranking structures. It was paramount to build the guild with an inclusive and reputation based leadership structure. The guild’s sole purpose was to keep in check the extreme points of view of Alliance forces. The official code of honor read: "We are a group of varied individuals, brought together by mutual hatred for the Alliance and all it stands for. To this end, we decimate Alliance whenever possible: Battlegrounds, the multiple environs of Azeroth, and beyond. Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. The Alliance trembles at our tenacity and mercilessness. DESTROY THE ALLIANCE! FIGHT THEM ON THE ROADS, IN THE FIELDS, IN THE TOWNS! STRIKE FORCE, KILL THEM ALL! FOR THE HORDE!" With horde territories under siege from a growing Alliance population, the guild saw a quick influx of accelerated recruitments to go toe-to-toe with Alliance efforts. Membership counts quickly increased from tens of volunteers to a few hundred active members. Increased membership allowed these massive armies to battle with each other for the honor of prestige and rights to contested lands.
Raiding the temples of Zul’Aman proved to be a very difficult venture for such a new guild. Members of the strike force rose up to the challenge, gathering raiding parties to assault the high walls of the troll empire. With the need to achieve new strengths of achievement, the guild pursued efforts to armor itself with discovered powers of weaponry. The destabilization of the Troll Kingdom proved to be a major obstacle for Horde leaders. Trolls were a major asset to the Hordes already limited dominance on Kalmindor, so losing the Troll support would have put a numbered pressure against the Alliance numbers. The pursuit of those that renounced Horde inclusion were swiftly dealt with. The guild was met with an existential crisis in being relevant. The motive to combat the Alliance remained a forefront of the guild's ideology, but members were not fully convinced of this. Gug needed to foster opportunities that could grow the sense of camaraderie among members. The Strike Lord would routinely hold a war party march in front in the populated City of Orgrimmar, curious onlookers slowly joined the initial ranks. Murokar as a early member maintained a high degree of cooperation and served under Gug instructions. He maintained an ongoing authority slowly building the initial ranks that would eventually become the leadership of a prominent guild.
Everyone Bleeds
Fury of the Sunwell (patch 2.4)
All new leaders face the initial onslaught of growing pains. Gug was not immune to the initial onslaught of celebrity and devotion for an unforgiving job. As a temporary measure he passed leadership to Warlord Murokar with the intent to shorty return. During Gug’s brief absence, Murokar lead the guild on various small campaigns against Alliance efforts. Murokar at this time kept a pressing effort on the various Outland territories, and one by one guild faltered. A time of quite took place, allowing both weathered factions to recover. Eventually Gug would return retaking control of the guild. Once at the helm, he sought out to build a new eventuality of war between prominent Alliance and Horde guilds with HSF at the forefront. HSF was in its real infancy at this point. The guild operated on cooperation of ideas and values, rather than a militaristic unit and killing machine.
The Battle of Icy Lands and the Fire of Conquerors
Wrath of the Lich King (expansion 3.0)

In the meantime a great winter front from the North brought on a series of events that would alter the events to come for the guild. As the battles of Horde versus Alliance slowed down, a discovery of Arthas increased activities in the Eastern Kingdoms western and eastern territories right below the Blood Elft city of Silvermoon put everyone on alert. Increase scourge activity created an alarming partnership of specific Azeroth protectors called the Argent Crusade, which would eventually set up a base of operations in the northern continent where Arthas rallied. The need of cooperation between the two dominating factions to defeat Arthas would become an obstacle, but a necessary effort in order to face the emerging Scourge threat. Both Alliance and Horde Leaders grudgingly agreed to safe havens regarding Alliance and Horde cooperation with the Argent Dawn, however the Alliance King’s rhetoric towards key Horde leaders brought unyielding stubbornness from both sides of the battlefield. The purpose of Horde Strike Force would be tested in the years to come as Horde and Alliance were at odds regarding the right course of action.
34 (Year 626 by the King's Calendar – Year 2009 by the Champions Timeline)
With the wrath of the Lich King literally looming overhead, the need to rally the forces of the Horde against the opposition of Alliance scaling efforts continued. As a result of the changing circumstances Strike Lord Gug decided to focus on training a strike force of Horde. The guild at this point of time took on a more serious nature, actively recruiting new members of the Horde into it’s ranks. Coordinated weekly Training Grounds brought curious onlookers into the fold of the guild's efforts. Once the force was large enough and well versed in the craft of warfare, large scale invasions on Alliance cities became the norm. Carved into stone and written into history books, the guild won a notorious reputation of being a "zerg" guild.
At odds with the Alliance efforts, members of the guild took it upon themselves to sought out support for their Horde brethren in the dungeons and temples of prominent leaders and associated events. The guild officially would start a campaign against Arthas’s reach over Northrend by raiding important operations. The first well known target was the floating fortress Naxxramas. The floating construction in the sky was the main source of Kel'Thuzad's base of operations, which he utilized in the past to spread the plague throughout Lordaeron. The base was moved to Northrend to aid in slowing down the Argent Dawn. Both Alliance and Horde advancement into the lands proved to be inevitable as both factions mounted ongoing invasions from both west and east corners of the continent.
While under guidance of the protectors of the realm, the pursuit to take Arthas down continued. In regards to faction cooperation with the Argent dawn, it was continually met with opposition. Gug continued to focus the guild on meeting equivalent responses to continued combat escalations in the Azeroth west and east continents, the shattered outlands, and outskirts of Horde settlements in Northrend. Alliance extremists continued to attack Horde dominated territories. In these territories the guild took a merciless killing of guards and the capture of townsfolk and city civilians. Regardless of the cooperation of the Argent dawn, political conflict would not dissolve completely amongst faction leaders. Albeit total mutual destruction, an increased motion of fear was emerging. If it was not for the sanctuary conditions established by the Kin’tor in Dalaran the Horde Strike Force would have been a primary opponent to cooperation. Gug’s reluctance to go against the strategic position Thrall was trying to establish, required the guild to perform under secrecy for specific strike operations.
When the vault for Wintergrasp was opened, a new purpose was put forward between faction tensions. Controlling this territory allowed access the vault, monsters, and loot within the mountainside. A point of contention was established as Alliance and Horde forces continued to siege and rebuild the defenses. Some horde even shunned the guilds help in favor of their own allegiances to other horde guilds. There is no doubt a point of competition was established. In return, the Argent Dawn would continue to struggle to mediate the hard minded hatred the factions shared.
The Wrathgate

The Argent Dawn front was met with a malicious intent that would forever leave a scar on both sides of the fraction line. The chief apothecary by the title and name of the Grand Apothecary Putress, would create an unforgivable situation for the Undead race. As part of the Forsaken's Royal Apothecary Society he played a vital role in the development of the "New Plague" to combat the scourge. Lady Sylvanus the Banshee Queen of the Undead offered to Thrall a sense of required cooperation through the services of Putress. Thrall only considered this mutual cooperation with the Undead mindset considering Putress advanced knowledge of the plague.
While the Argent dawn and both prominent faction forces faced down Lich King at the Wrathgate, the event would become a defining moment in this series of warcraft. Putress uses the newly created plague called the "blight" from a cliff overlooking the battlefield. The Forsaken catapults unleash this destructive power on unsuspecting forces gathered below. Many perhaps the greatest loss is the death of the Alliance hero Highlord Bolvar Fordragon. As an immediate response immediate war is declared against the Horde, with hostilities renewed the campaign against the Lich King would prove to be all the more difficult.
Mystery of the Titans
The Secrets of Ulduar (expansion 3.0)

Eventually faced with the awakening of Ulduar, a city forged for the titans was awoken. The city proved its prevalence as a source of power, but also a prison. The facility was intended to permanently confine the Old God of death, Yogg-Saron. Although the guilds brief time there, several members added gear and weaponry to their arsenal. At this point many members of the guild had some years of experience. Gug established new protocols to rank advancement that would reward great leadership skills. Once the powers of Ulduar were put under control, a stalemate of factions personal interests on how to best proceed occurred. With the passage into the fortressed buildings odig break into the inner
36 (Year 628 by the King's Calendar – Year 2010 by the Champions Timeline)
The guild pursued an endless onslaught of defeats trying to take down the Lich King's followers. Moral and patience was tested unlike any previous efforts the guild faced to date. Dual purposing the guild efforts battling the Alliance and having to maintain pursuit against the Lich King's forces was a source of contention amongst members.The guild would persevere, not faltering until the Lich King would fall. With Arthas defeated Azeroth was not met with peaceful outcomes. A cataclysmic event would put more wood onto an already blazing fire.
A new super power, a being of death was awakened. The Cataclysm would alter lands, forever changing the continents of Kalmindor and the Eastern Kingdoms. With this came new opportunities and obstructions regarding the Alliance versus Horde mentality. Geographically many lands were forcefully separated by obstacles that now scarred the landscape. Alliance and Horde battled and won over long contested territories. With the help of the city of the Undead the small town of Tarren Mill sline glossed over the Alliance town Southshore, making it inhabitable.
39 (Year 631 by the King's Calendar – Year 2011 by the Champions Timeline)
The Cataclysm not on physically put rifts in the land, it did so physiologically as well. With Deathwing risen from slumber, a new renewed world interest in the competition for resources began. With the lands of Azeroth literally torn asunder, a huge outpouring of blood from relentless slaughter of faction cities and towns escalated quickly. In fact a competition of achievement was put in place to whom could kill the opposing faction the most. Gug and several high ranking officers took advantage of this situation to get involved on these front lines. Horde Strike Force earned its reputation as a zerg guild over the course of the next several months. Competing against other guilds HSF won the title of Creepjackers.
Deathwing proved relentless against the battle weary factions. New adventures would be met with new quests and challenges never faced before on the east and west continents. Awaking the old elemental lord Ragnaros scorching the center of Ashenvale. A new temple was erected by the elemental lord in the restricted area of Mount Hyjal with the elemental built a crossover portal into the realm of the living of the domain. The guild pursued these evil demons into their domains of dungeons and temples. Defeating them one by one they coaxed out new opponents challenge by the raid of Alliance and Horde. At the same time the guild maintained a high degree of urgency to attack surrounding Alliance settlements, and continually disrupted activities.
40 (Year 632 by the King's Calendar – Year 2012 by the Champions Timeline)
The Cataclysm left the Horde in a weakened state that would not be tolerated. With the Barrens literally split in two, Stranglethorn Vale fractured, and new lands once sealed off from the grand population; the horde needed to act quickly. All available commanders were tasked with finding new resources and forms of power the horde could make use of. A convoy clashed with an Alliance scout near a misty shoreline of uncharted territory. It was here the lost continent of Pandaria would reveal itself to the world of Azeroth. Survivors of the wreckage were discovered from both factions, both made preparations for strategic conquest.
A Mist of Illusion
The Mists of Pandaria (expansion 5.0)
A new unknown landmass could be a strategic military platform for the Alliance sailing vessels and warships. The prevailing magic that once concealed this island showed omniscient signs amongst the various landscapes. First contact was met with glorious combat and ended in tactical error as the Alliance was dug in when first landfall occurred. The guild chartered their flight with allied Horde forces to this newly discovered southern continent with the intention of conquest. A bloody battle ensued in which the initial attack managed to push the Alliance back. However the Alliance had hidden assets in the form of an air army the destroyed our airship (insert name here) destroying any hope of a Horde spearhead. What remained of our forces grouped together in hopes of establishing the means to carry out our duty.
It was in this moment we made contact with the Pandaren a strange race full of bear like creatures that called themselves Pandarens. Their culture who would respect the sanctification of honour but also a stalwart pursuit of peaceful lives. How could they?, with such chaos around them how could they stay still while the rest of the world was afire. It seems the guild’s presence was unwelcome however as the leader of a group called the shado pan (name here) warned his people of our presence and expressed a desire to push us out of their homes.
Trials of Conquest
Landfall (patch 5.1)
With the encroaching madness finally overtaking Warchief Garrosh Hellscream the Horde Strike Force had decided to make a stand against him. Traitors be damned, against Garrosh Horde, this is not what the Horde was meant to be. We took the fight to him with the retaking of the vale from its rampant corruption. We then began the long journey home, strange it would be that we would be greeted not as soldier returning home but as enemies. Once landed ashore with a bloody greeting of Garrosh’s new "allies". Sad the last of the (clan name) clan choose to side with him as well as the last of Galxsis brood. Nazgrim a true general of the Horde upheld his oath to the mantle of warchief despite this misguided undeserved loyalty. We had to press forward regardless of who stood in our way Lok'tar ogar Nazgrim. However we will give them the battle they deserve.
41 (Year 633 by the King's Calendar – Year 2013 by the Champions Timeline)
Battle fatigue is not all that foreign even for the most powerful Orcs. Strike Lord Gug decides to officially retire his duties. After much debate and with a proven track record Warmaster Skuiizhi decided a cooperation between another Warmaster was required. With uncharted territory regarding new leadership, the decision was made to promote an active balance of the status quo of the relationship between the guild’s various ranked members. Although Skuiizhi was technically considered the main Strike Lord, a cooperation of services would be solidified into bylaws with both Galavast and Skuiizhi holding the title of Warlord.
Pandaria proved to be a playground of mystery and discovery. Each territory unlocked new territories of treasures and culture. A culture unmatched to anything in Azeroth to date with rolling green valleys, sculpted monuments, and golden temples.
The guild was poised for new recruitment opportunities from this newly discovered Pandaria race. These once rarely seen beings brought a fighting technique unseen for thousands of years. The technique required fluid transitional movements that allowed quick transition between impactful attacks and defensive mobility. Many Pandarian bittered by the divisive actions of their brethren joined the guild with the promise to dethrone the enveloping Alliance forces. Once the Vale of Eternal Blossoms was opened, both factions took refuge in two respective temples at the edge of the vale.
The Thunder King (patch 5.2)
Escalation (patch 5.3)
Siege of Orgrimmar (patch 5.4)
42 (Year 634 by the King's Calendar – Year 2014 by the Champions Timeline)
42.5 (Year 634 by the King's Calendar – Year 2015 by the Champions Timeline)
43 (Year 635 by the King's Calendar – Year 2016 by the Champions Timeline)
All Good Things
At this time the guild completed its initial endeavors. While the conflict of mindsets would continue, a solitary agreement was made to transition the guild to a legacy state. Strike Lord Jareff continued to consult with Gug as months went by, a promise that the guild intentions would remain in good hands. It was decided to archive the years of glory, an absolution that the guild had achieved its purpose.
The Legion invasion lead to another heated exchange. The death of the Alliance King Varian reopened wounds once again. With Lady Sylvanas at the helm of the Horde, and her controversial position with the survival of the undead population, created a new cascade of division and deceit. Kadgar could barely keep the factions focused on the key objective to defeat the Legion.
Remaining members of the would pursue their adventures on the Broken Shores